Activities & Associations


Gurukul College of Commerce organizes a plethora of activities for students. The activities are centered around overall development of students. Varied events ranging from academics to culture, sports to nature are conducted. Students are given a platform to exhibit their talents. Students are also encouraged to plan and execute innovative activities whereby they can enhance their managerial and leadership abilities to their fullest potential. The college routes these activities by forming various teams for smooth execution.






The Research Committee is an academic committee of the college. The main functions of the committee are:

  • To create and promote awareness of research environment among students and faculties.
  • To review and implement research recommendation

Regular meetings of the Research Cell are conducted to invite suggestions. Faculties are encouraged to publish and present Research Papers in UGC recognized Journals.

Students are also encouraged to participate in Research oriented activities organsied by Universities and other Colleges.

Annual Research Journal Shodh Sagar is released by the students for the students to promote research culture.

Industrial visit is important to students undergoing the professional education, during which student visit companies and get insight on the internal working environment of the company. It helps the students gain first hand information regarding functioning of the industry. It also helps to enhance their interpersonal skills and communication.

The college is committed to students’ welfare and well – being. Our vision is to shape career path of learners. We tie up with corporate houses for campus interviews and placement of students. The Placement Cell looks into internships of students. The Placement Cell also organises training programmes for developing soft skills amongst students to enhance their skills and employment opportunities

Capacity Building and Skill Development initiatives

A duly elected Students’ Council is constituted every year as per the set University norms to look into individual and collective problems of students if any. Students’ Council aims at enhancing leadership and managerial abilities amongst the students. The office bearers of the council are activity involved in organizing various events and activities.

The College has an active Alumni Association. The Alumni take active part in the college activities. They are invited as Judges for various events. Alumni are also given placement opportunities within the institution as and when required. Also, they organise events related to social relevance. Regular Alumni meets are held in the college which helps the college and alumni to stay connected.

In order to promote fine arts and performing arts, the college conducts annual competitions in different categories. The students of our college have participated and won many prizes at Inter collegiate and University events. The college organizes Annual College Festival ‘FLAME’ which ignites the spirit amongst the youth.

Annual Sports Competitions are held and Best Sports Person is declared every year. The college students have been actively participating in the inter-collegiate tournaments organized by the University and Affiliated colleges and have won many prizes. The college also has a well equipped Gymnasium to focus on health and fitness of the students

NSS: As a part of the social responsibility of the collage our NSS Unit has been offering commendable service to the society. The college has 2 NSS units with a strength of 200 students registering every year to offer voluntary services for the betterment of the society. The NSS students have been involved in organizing varied programmes such as Blood Donation, creating social awareness like save energy, save girl child, AIDS awareness etc. The students of our NSS Unit have bagged many prizes in Street play and other Awareness Programmes at the Zonal/University level

DLLE: The Department of life long Learning and Extension is a unit of 50 students. The unit undertakes projects namely Anna Poorna Yojana and Status of Women in society. These projects encourage students to earn while learn. It also instills a sense of institutional responsibility towards community development. The students are encouraged to participate in various activities of social relevance.

As per the university of Mumbai guidelines,the college has constituted a women’s Development cell (WDC) that looks into issues of female students and staff. Though the main purpose of the WDC is to check that there is no discrimination or exploitation of women in the college, we aim to focus inter alia on consistent and steady growth of women-kind and organize seminars and workshop for general awareness on self defence,health, education,social environment and gender sensitisation.

The Literary Association has been formed with a view to develop communication skills amongst the students. This encourages participation of the students in various competitions like Elocution, Essay, Debate, Quiz etc.

The college being Gujarati Lingustic Minority Institution, Gujrati Sahitya Mandal aims to imbibe traditional values and maintain the essence of Gujarati Language among the students. A number of activities are organzied to promote this culture in the college.

The college is located in Mumbai which is the heart of keep alive the Maharashtrian culture among the young generation, Marathi Wangmay Mandal organizes various competitions like Poetry Recitation, Book review, Elocution, Singing competitions etc.

The Nature Club aims to spread awareness on issues related to environment and provide clean, green and a healthy living towards sustainable development. It motivates students to appreciate Nature and her creations.

Parents Teacher Association has been formed in view to have regular interaction with parents. The parents are updated with necessary information regarding college activities and performance about their ward regarding attendance and results. Regular meetings are held with parents to inform about the same in every Semester.